
We have recently seen an increase of people seeking help coming to this site. This site is free but it would be GREATLY appreciated if you could donate even a buck or two. ALL donations made to this site will go ONLY in helping better serve you. It has been hard to keep up with all the people coming without having money to pay members with and having better hosting. If you donate, you will be recognized and  become distinguished from other members. Once we receive enough donations, we will remove ALL the ads one the site and also put the "Live Help" section right here instead of on another page. Also, if you we receive enough donations and are able to get web hosting, I will then provide EVERY person who donates with their very own email address from this site!
There is also a special page within this site that you have access to once you donate that will help you get math help even FASTER and more accurately!!

I hope that you understand and please consider donating!

Click here for Live Help

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